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A port where the beautiful Mt. Fuji can be seen.

Shimizu Port

The combination of Japan’s highest, Mt Fuji, and its deepest, Suruga Bay, has created Japan’s most beautiful scenery. It is a landscape resembling paradise and adored by people from time immemorial. You can fully enjoy this landscape by visiting Shimizu Port.

There are many locations in and around Shimizu Port from which you can take the very best pictures. So many, in fact, that you might feel the need for more camera battery and memory storage. But remember, even a single photo can become your own masterpiece.

Photo Tour

Mt Fuji and the sailing ship, Ocean Princess. A landscape much like paradise.
The Suruga Bay Ferry, connecting Shimizu Port of Shizuoka City with Toi Harbour of Izu City, with a journey time of just 1 hour.
During the 1 hour voyage on the Suruga Bay Ferry, floating on Japan’s deepest, Suruga Bay, whilst overlooking Japan’s highest, Mt Fuji.
A sightseeing boat inside Shimizu Bay, with the choice of a 35 minute or 45 minute course.
Shimizu Port, one of Japan's three most beautiful ports, is also a port for large passenger ships.
When a larger passenger ship comes into port, a welcome event is held at the Hinode Pier.
Early morning at Shimizu Port. There is so shortage of vantage points to take great photographs.
The S-pulse Dream Plaza complex at Shimizu Port.
The S-pulse Dream Plaza contains a Sushi Museum, restaurant area, shopping mall, Chibi Maruko-chan Land and a movie theatre.
If you love sushi, the sushi restaurant at the S-pulse Dream Plaza will satisfy your tastes.
A water bus that can also accommodate bicycles. Bicycle rental is available at the S-pulse Dream Plaza, which is near to the water bus platform.
The water bus also provides a good way to access Miho-no-Matsubaru from the sea.

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